A First-Timer’s Guide to the Role and Duties of a Bankruptcy Trustee

When you’re navigating the bankruptcy process for the first time, you may encounter terms and roles that are unfamiliar. One such role is that of the bankruptcy trustee.

A key figure in any bankruptcy proceeding, the bankruptcy trustee plays a pivotal part in overseeing your case. This post will provide an in-depth guide to understanding the role and duties of a bankruptcy trustee.

Who is a Bankruptcy Trustee?

In both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy proceedings, the court appoints a trustee to manage the case. This person is neither on the side of the debtor (that’s you, if you’re filing for bankruptcy) nor the creditor. The trustee is an impartial administrator who ensures the bankruptcy process proceeds according to federal laws and guidelines.

Duties of a Bankruptcy Trustee in Chapter 7 Cases

In Chapter 7, or liquidation bankruptcy, the role of the trustee is particularly involved. Here’s what the trustee does:

1. Asset Evaluation: The trustee reviews your bankruptcy petition, investigates your financial affairs, and determines what property is exempt (protected) and what is non-exempt (not protected).

2. Liquidation: Non-exempt assets—if any—are sold, or ‘liquidated,’ by the trustee. The proceeds from this sale are then distributed to your creditors.

3. Meeting of Creditors: The trustee oversees the ‘meeting of creditors,’ also known as a 341 meeting. At this meeting, the trustee will ask you questions about your bankruptcy papers and financial circumstances. Your creditors may also attend and ask questions, although it’s not common.

4. Object to Discharge: If the trustee finds evidence of fraud or abuse, they can object to the discharge of some or all of your debts.

Duties of a Trustee in Chapter 13 Cases

In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, often called a ‘wage earner’s plan,’ the trustee’s role is somewhat different:

1. Plan Review: The trustee reviews your proposed repayment plan to ensure it’s fair, feasible, and complies with bankruptcy law.

2. Collect Payments: If your plan is approved, you’ll make payments to the trustee, who then distributes those funds to your creditors.

3. Meeting of Creditors: As in Chapter 7, the trustee conducts the meeting of creditors.

4. Monitor Compliance: Throughout your repayment period, the trustee monitors your compliance with the bankruptcy terms and ensures you’re making the agreed-upon payments.

The Role of the Trustee in Your Bankruptcy Case

Regardless of whether you file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, the trustee is there to ensure transparency, legality, and fairness. The trustee works to prevent bankruptcy fraud, which protects not only your creditors but also the integrity of the bankruptcy system itself.

While the role of the trustee might seem intimidating, remember that they’re not your adversary. They are there to do a job, and their primary responsibility is to the court, not to make your life difficult. Being open, honest, and cooperative with your trustee can make the bankruptcy process smoother and less stressful.

Finally, while this post provides a good overview of the role of the trustee, each case is unique.

It’s always advisable to consult with a knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney who can provide guidance tailored to your specific circumstances. Navigating bankruptcy can be a daunting process, but with the right information and support, you can get through it and come out stronger on the other side.

Bankruptcy is a legal tool designed to give people who are in debt beyond their ability to repay a chance at a fresh start. While the process can be complex and challenging, understanding


Learn More

At Blue Bee Bankruptcy, our lawyers are highly experienced in bankruptcy options. More importantly, we understand that each case we receive is unique and each client has different needs and goals. We will discuss these signs with you and decide the best route to take.

We strive to help our clients rebuild their lives and take steps toward a better financial future through filing. 


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If you’re dealing with the potential of bankruptcy, give us a call. Our team will work to help you by reviewing all of the options our firm has available. We will ensure you’ll get the best possible outcome for your situation.

Get in touch today so we can start working on either halting bankruptcies or preventing them from taking place altogether!

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